Cherokee Street’s Love Bank Park Committee is seeking a design for two exterior faces of the Love Bank Park storage building.
The Parameters:

- Side A —the larger face — 19 feet 35/8 inches width by 9 foot by 4 inches height. The design for this wall should be art-forward and convey the creative, diverse Cherokee Street community.
- Side B — the smaller wall face — measures 9 feet 35/8 inches by 9 foot by 4 inches and should incorporate Love Bank Park’s principles - outlined below.
- Art should be designed digitally and will be printed by Cherokee Street CID to be vinyl wrapped on the building.
- Both sides of the building will be designed by the same artist. The design can wrap both faces or be two separate designs but both faces should complement each other.
- Art should complement the colors incorporated in the rest of the park:
Parking Seating & Striping Colors:

Cherokee Street Signage Color Palette:

Love Bank Park Principles:
- I love myself so I love others
- I respect myself so I respect others
- If we take care of our neighborhood, it will take care of us
- No cursing. Keep it clean and peaceful!
- Park hours: Dawn to Dusk
How to Submit Your Design:
- Submit in a rough concept or sketch of the design for the building by February 16th. Proposals don’t need to be fully complete upon submission but should be complete enough to convey to the committee what the final artwork will look like.
- Artists with ties to the Cherokee Street community will have preference for this call, including those who live/work in the areas surrounding Cherokee Street.
- The artist with the selected design will receive a $2000 artist stipend and will need to finalize the design by March 15th. The final design will be installed on the building in vinyl, paid for by the Cherokee Street CID.